I CAN’T STOP – I AM A SHOPAHOLIC ! Money Doctor column Irish Daily Star 31st August 2023

 Q. I think I am addicted to shopping. Not sure where it is coming from but I find I am running out of money half way through the week and I cannot seem to track what I am spending it on. Married with 2 children, I am becoming paranoid with the debts that are now starting to mount. Can you point me in the right direction ? Terry – Artane Dublin 5


A. You are not alone Terry. There is a condition known as compulsive shopping and if you do have it, you can obtain therapy for same. There are even weekly meetings for Debtors Anonymous ( held in the Dublin Central Mission Methodist Church Abbey Street Dublin 1 ) akin to Alcoholics Anonymous, a self-help group. Meanwhile here are a few tips to help :

  1. Do a quick budget, create goals for the year ( holidays, major purchases, etc ) and maintain them.
  2. Make a shopping list every time whether food, clothes or whatever and stick to it ( check your pantry and fridge first ! )
  3. Do not borrow and do not use your credit card – only cash, debit card and cheques.
  4. “Window shop” only when the stores have closed and don’t watch TV shopping channels.
  5. Take your mind off shopping by exercising, hobbies, reading, learn to play guitar, going to the cinema – anything to take your mind off it.

You may also need professional help – don’t be afraid to seek it. Best wishes


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