Q. A friend of mine had his credit card “skimmed” and in each case 2 additional transactions were carried out on his accounts costing him over € 700 each. I cannot afford to have this happen to me – have you any advice to reduce this risk ? Jim – Clonmel Co Tipperary

A. Thanks Jim.. yes it is a worry. Consumers must be smart if they are to beat this type of fraud. By adopting these 4 simple rules you can arm yourself against hucksters heading your way :

  1. Online Safety: Do not click on links in any emails you receive from financial institutions even if you are 100 per cent sure they are legitimate. Go to your browser instead and type in the domain name of the institution, for example or and then login to your account. Remember, some emails you receive about your financial accounts are “phishing” emails.
  2. 2. Watch out for “Shoulder Surfers” and “Skimmers”: Shield the entry of PIN numbers and be aware of people standing too close to you when you are using your credit or debit card in public. Many criminals use mobile phone videos and cameras when should surfing to obtain your private information. Never allow a salesperson to take your credit card out of your sight when you are making a purchase. It is also advisable to use ATM machines that are familiar to you, so it is easier to notice if the equipment has been tampered with. Your increased awareness may reveal a skimmer’s attempt to steal PIN numbers and banking details at that site.
  3. Shred Before Dumping: Do not throw pre-approved credit offers in your bin without shredding them beforehand. Fraudsters sift through bins to retrieve these and use the offers to order credit cards in your name. Other sensitive information like credit card receipts and phone bills should be destroyed as well.
  4. Never give out your pers
  5. onal PIN numbers online or on the phone. Calls and emails can be intercepted and you may think you are talking or responding to your bank so take great care and be aware.


Be careful and watch your back !

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